Short Range Rules

Updated 02-11-2024


The rules for the AZWINS “Short Range” matches are posted below.  These rules were carried over from the 2019 matches and will continue to remain in force until otherwise noted.  Changes will be posted here.



March 2-3 BPCR Silhouette, open to vintage military, Black Powder Cartridge Rifle both scope and iron sight classes 40 animals each day.  (80 Rounds)


March 4-5 2020   Black Powder Cartridge Rifle/ Muzzle Loader Rifles/ Vintage Military Sniper Rifle.

Creedmoor is shot at 800, 900,& 1000 Yards. 10 shots for score.

There will be 60 min relays, and a 3 min prep period for the pair of shooters on the firing line. Shooter can pairfire or single fire, shooting partner will be responsible for scoring for each other, No coaching from pit or secondary persons.

Vintage Sniper is allowed 2 additional sighters after on paper.  Unlimited sighters for Black Powder Competitors, for each of the 3 distances.  No sighters allowed after calling for score.

There will be 4 Competitors per target 2 shooting 2 pulling and scoring targets, all competitors will be responsible for pulling and scoring target, ether them or their self, or supply a qualified puller/scorer at their expense, if puller/scorer is not qualified the competitor will be responsible to pull/score.  Same on both days. (60 Rounds)

Categories for Black Powder, Senior, Supper Senior, Women, Scope, other categories might be added, and the Classes will be Master, Expert, Sharpshooter, and Marksman.  Category for Vintage Military Sniper.

Awards will be awarded in all category’s and class’s with 3 or more competitors per category and class. Only Black Powder Competitors only can compete for High Shooters.

Black Powder Competitors will follow the NRA BPTR rules.

Vintage Military Snipers Competitors will follow CMP rules with simplified rifle and scope rule, as follows;

Any Korean War or World War II or earlier Vintage Military Rifle or replicas as issued, Optics, Internally adjusted 4×28 maximum, ( example weaver K4 ), Externally adjuster 8X , 3/4” Tube 1 1/2” optic maximum, ( Unertl, Lyman etc. ).  Military competitors my use 3 supplies sandbags or cross sticks.

For More info. Contact Greg Burri Match by email


March 6-8 United States International Muzzle Loading Team Match:  Contact Ed Decker

March 9-11 World 1,000 Yard Championship, 1,000 yards three times each day for 3 days, 30 shots for score each day, Black Powder Cartridge Rifle scope & iron sight, Muzzle Loader, vintage sniper rifle. 60 minute relays consist of 2 shooters on one target both Muzzle Loaders and BPCR up to 3 sighter shots per relay. (90 Rounds).


March 9-11 2020 Black Powder Cartridge Rifle/ Muzzle Loader Rifles/ Vintage Military Sniper Rifle.

WORLD 1000 is shot at 1000 Yards. 10 shoots for score each day.

Three (3) sighters for all Competitors.  First hit on Paper counts as first sighter.   After the third Sighter or if shooter calls shooting for Score only the 10 rounds of ammo can be on firing line, next shot is for score.

There will be 60 min relays, and a 3 min prep period for the pair of shooters on the firing line, Shooter can pair fire or single fire, shooting partner will be responsible for scoring for each other.  Radios are allowed between Firing line and pit for scoring information only, no coaching from pit or secondary persons.  There will be 4 Competitors per target 2 shooting 2 pulling and scoring targets, all competitors will be responsible for pulling and scoring target or the competitor can supply a qualified puller/scorer at their expense, if a designated puller/scorer is not qualified, the competitor will be responsible to pulling & scoring.

Same for all three (3) days. (90 Rounds).

The World 1000 is an OPEN match, all Black Powder Competitors will be competing for the Top Scores regardless of Category or Class.  Awards will be given for Top Scoring Black Powder and Top Vintage Military Sniper.  Must be a minimum of three (3) competitors in each Discipline for awards to be given. Other Awards may be given.

Black Powder Competitors will follow the NRA BPTR rules. Vintage

Military Sniper Competitors will follow CMP rules with simplified rifle and scope rule, as follows;

Any Korean War or World War II or earlier Vintage Military Rifle or replicas as issued, Optics, Internally adjusted 4×28 maximum, ( example weaver K4 ), Externally adjuster 8X , 3/4” Tube 1 1/2” optic maximum, ( Unertl, Lyman etc. ).  Military competitors my use 3 supplies sandbags, or Cross Sticks as front rest only, NO REAR REST.

OBI’s (Open Bolt Indicators ), Eye Protection, and Ear Protection will be required on Fireing Line.

For More info. Contact Greg Burri Match by email